内海紗英子 Saeko Utsumi



Born in Osaka in 1994. Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts Graduate School in 2018. I mainly work on decoration in Urushi art. The patterns and images of the decorations in my work are influenced by the atmosphere that draws on the Western flow from my experience of attending a Christian church in my childhood.


2016年 京都市立芸術大学美術学部工芸科 漆工専攻 卒業
2018年 同大学院美術研究科工芸専攻 漆工細目 修了

2017年「内海紗英子 漆芸展 光あれ」ギャラリー南蛮(大阪)
2021年「内海紗英子 漆芸展 グローリア」ギャラリー南蛮(大阪)
2023年「内海紗英子 漆芸展 イースターの足音」聖路加第一画廊(東京)

2016年「黒沢理菜・内海紗英子 二人展 Story×Story」ギャラリー恵風(京都)
2018年「漆芸の未来を拓く 生新の時2018」石川県輪島漆芸美術館(石川)
2019年「京都市産業技術研究所伝統産業後継者育成研修 修了作品展」みやこめっせ京都市勧業館(京都)

2015年 京都市立芸術大学作品展 平館賞
2016年 京都市立芸術大学作品展 市長賞
2017年 第三回金沢・世界工芸トリエンナーレ
2017年 三菱商事アート・ゲート・プログラム 2017年度奨学生
2018年 京都市立芸術大学作品展 同窓会賞
2018年 第38回、第39回、第43回、第46回三菱商事アート・ゲート・プログラム入選
2022年 第57回神奈川県美術展 工芸部門 奨励賞

2016 BFA, Kyoto City University of Arts, Kyoto
2018 MFA, Kyoto City University of Arts, Kyoto

Solo Exhibitions
2017 “Let there be light” GALLERY NAMBAN (Osaka)
2021 “Gloria” GALLERY NAMBAN (Osaka)
2023 “Footsteps of Easter” St Luke’s first gallery (Tokyo)

Group Exhibitions
2016 “Riina Kurosawa, Saeko Utsumi two-person exhibition Story × Story” GALLERY KEI-FU (Kyoto)
2017 “egakizome2017” Art〇Beauty Space Saga (Hyogo)
2018 “Pioneering the future of Urushi art 2018” Wajima Museum of Urushi Art (Ishikawa)

Awards and others
2015 Kyoto City University of Arts Annual Exhibition, Hiradate prize
2016 Kyoto City University of Arts Annual Exhibition, Mayer’s prize
2017 3rd Triennale of Kogei in Kanazawa, Selected
2017 Mitsubishi Corporation ART GATE Program 2017, scholarship student
2018 Kyoto City University of Arts Annual Exhibition, Dosokai prize
2018 38th, 39th, 43th, 46th Mitsubishi Corporation ART GATE Program, Selected
2022 THE 57TH KANAGAWA ART EXHIBITION 2022, Crafts Category Encouragement Prize



I use decoration as a method of expression, as a device to make a core theme more beautiful – “Megumi” (grace) is a keyword in my prouction.
I consider “Megumi” to be an element that can give blessings to people, and by making the artwork mainly in the decorative field I hope to make this brilliance stand out.
I also value the glossy quality of Urushi when expressing this. The way it is gradually polished by hand and becomes brighter, is reminiscent of the act of praying for the happiness of others.





Expressions that lift the curse of modernism.

If someone baptised by modernism sees Saeko Utsumi’s work, for example her “Blessed Egg” series, they may be reminded of artwork that has achieved simplification or purification, such as Brâncuși’s The beginning of the world (1924). At the same time, they may rank the two, or rigidly make a distinction as expressions in separate fields. However, the situation of the present day is, that such old customs have already dispersed, and all forms of sculptural expressions can now be presented to all people without the prerequisite of existing academic criteria or values of an appraiser. This new world was brought about by the exponential progress of today’s information technology, but at the same time is because artists like Utsumi existed, who continued to dive deeper into their own country’s culture without doubting the legitimacy.

(Public/ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO Organising Committee)