方圓 Fang Yuan


2020年、京都芸術大学大学院美術工芸学科日本画専攻 修了。

I graduated from the Master’s program in Nihonga (Japanese Painting) at Kyoto University of Arts in 2020. My research primarily focused on delving into the underlying human psychology concealed within ancient Chinese myths, which I then translated into artworks. Lately, I have started creating landscape paintings that evoke emotions like courage and healing in people.



2011年 中国北京工業大学アートデザイン学部 卒業
2020年 京都芸術大学修士課程 美術工芸学科日本画専攻 修了

2019年 第46回創画展 入選 
2020年「ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO」京都美術館(京都)
2023年 芥川龍之介 『蜜柑』を描く展 ギャラリー枝香庵(東京)

Born in Beijing, China 1989
2011 Graduated from the School of Art and Design, Beijing Technology University
2020 Graduated from Kyoto University of the Arts Master’s Program, Department of Arts and Crafts, Japanese Painting Major

Group Exhibitions 
2020 “ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO” The Museum of Kyoto (Kyoto)
2021 New Japanese Painting Exhibition, Sagawa Art Museum (Shiga)
2023 Ryunosuke Akutagawa “Mandarine Oranges” Drawing exhibition, Echo Ann Gallery (Tokyo)


神話物語をテーマにするきっかけは、口伝えの時代から現代に至るまで受け継がれてきた物語に、古代の人々の想い、欲望など複雑の感情を感じたからのです。物語の背後に隠された人間の本性の多面性を糸口として、制作を通じ、現代の人に、古代の人の 知恵、教え諭しなどを分かってもらえたらと思います。

The inspiration behind choosing mythological narratives as my theme stems from the stories that have been passed down from oral tradition to the present day. These stories evoke the complex emotions, desires, and thoughts of ancient people. By unraveling the multifaceted nature of human essence hidden behind these tales, I aim to create artworks that bridge the gap between the past and present. Through my creations, I hope to offer modern audiences insights into the wisdom and teachings of people from antiquity.




Many young artists pass by and flourish as the days pass hectically. Our existences are like unstable electrons travelling along the scanline of the format of oblivion. However, even in the disorderly seeming movement of electrons, we sometimes find cases of recurrence where they escape the devil of oblivion. Fang Yuan once appeared in AFK, and now is making a recurrence bringing in a new order. Whilst succeeding her previous works, where mystery stories universal to humans inherited from the ancient world, were presented as problems primordial to humans, it is a great joy to meet her new works glowing even brighter with a lightness dressed in the present era.

(Public/ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO Organising Committee)