2001年滋賀県生まれ。2024年に瓜生山学園京都芸術大学を卒業。現在は京都を拠点に活動。「表現の根本的な役割」や「価値観の形骸化」といったテーマを軸に、文化的、歴史的背景と個人史を織り交ぜて絵画やインスタレーションを制作。「Line of Dance Reversal」2023/ Kyoto「ART RHIZOME KYOTO」2024/Kyotoなど
Born in 2001 in Shiga Prefecture. Graduated from Kyoto University of the Arts in 2024. Currently based in Kyoto. I create paintings and installations interweaving cultural and historical backgrounds with my personal history, exploring themes such as the fundamental role of expression, or the fossilization of values. Notable works include “Line of Dance Reversal” (2023, Kyoto) and “ART RHIZOME KYOTO” (2024, Kyoto).