アンドレス・マリオ・デ・ヴァローナ Andrés Mario de Varona



UCLAの助成金対象者として選抜され、本年より同大学にてビジュアル・アーツの修士課程を進める。現在ロサンゼルスを拠点に活動。Witty Booksより初のモノグラフ『Our Own Roof』を出版予定。

Andrés was born into Cuban families and grew up in Miami as a Cuban-American. Being interested in images and writing, and pressured to take a more practical approach, Andrés pursued a career in journalism. But instead, he realized he wanted to create. Little by little Andrés learned to speak a language true to himself. The death of his mother helped him discover this, and the experience galvanized his need to know more about myself. Wanting to leave Miami, Andrés moved to New Mexico. Living in the desert, his obsession with death morphed into an obsession for life, and he became eager to learn what it truly means to connect with others.

This year, Andrés was selected as a fellowship candidate to attend UCLA where he will be pursuing his Master’s Degree in visual art. He is currently based in Los Angeles. Andrés will also be publishing his first monograph with Witty Books, titled: Our Own Roof.