Art Singularity
伝統から革新を生み出してきた京都で「Art Singularity(アートシンギュラリティ)」をコンセプトに掲げ、アーティストが世界のマーケットを見据え、次の次元へと活躍の場を拡大するアートの特異点を目指します。
We aspire to make a singularity happen in the arts, where artists will set intentions for the global market, expanding their stages into the next dimension, with “Singularity of Art” as our concept in Kyoto - a city that has created innovation from tradition.
「ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO」は、国内外で活躍するアーティストからの推薦や多数の応募者の中から選定された新進気鋭の若手アーティスト自ら企画・出品・販売を行う、既存のアートフェアの枠組みを超えたフェアとして2018年に京都で誕生しました。
また、会期中は、アドバイザリーボードによる展覧会やこれまで「ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO」に携わったアーティストたちのサテライト展示、若手アーティストを顕彰するアートアワード、バラエティに富んだトークプログラムなど、充実したプログラムをお届けします。
From the Cultural Capital Kyoto, to the World
The ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO began in 2018 in Kyoto, as an unconventional art fair where young artists, selected under the recommendation of domestically and internationally acclaimed artists or from the abundant public applicants, will take the handle themselves from planning, exhibition, and selling.
As well as the structure where you can directly communicate with the artist as you view or purchase their artwork, another characteristic of our fair is the experience of the forefront of the modern art scene, in venues such as the Important Cultural Property and former printing plant, not usually open to the public, and famous temples of Kyoto that have been furnished into eccentric spaces for exhibition.
During the fair, we will also provide enriching programs including project exhibitions by the advisory board, satellite exhibitions by past participants of the ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO, an art award to honour the young artists, and a variety of talk programs.
Please come to visit our art fair that continues to evolve with the young artists, as to be the opportunity for our next-generation artists to take off from Kyoto into the world.
Noboru Tsubaki
Previously when I had an interview in Aomori with professor Takashi Ikegami whom we requested for the advisory board, he stated that the true nature of life "is robustness" — this has not left my mind and has since been burnt in. The simple ingredient, DNA, generates an unbelievable diversity whilst causing surprisingly little errors, and also has an incredible power for repairing errors.
There is a clue in the scene of art education, as to how to interpret this narrative of robustness and diversity; the workshop aimed at middle school children, continuing for 14 years at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa. The theme comes out of the blue, and no methods or techniques are taught. As a result, if there are a 100 people a 100 different cognitive patterns and expressive forms exist, and an astounding diversity and eruption of power transcending competence emerged.
The force of the middle schoolers sketching on canvas with charcoal in front of Mark Manders' work, absolutely proved the fundamental power that humans have. Now, I wonder will the maturing artists can also cause this shock wave... Art is indeed terrifying.
アーティストが企画、運営、出品する全く新しいスタイルのアートフェア「ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO」は、アーティスト自らが市場開拓を試みることで、新たな価値観を創造する目的でスタートしました。
“ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO” is a completely new style of art fair that is planned, organized and showcased by the artists, which nurtures a new value by initiating the artists themselves in the market development process.
By creating a stage for presenting work upon the artist and audience’s relationship, and the natural culture of purchasing art, we aspire to construct in Kyoto a platform where our next generation of artists can creatively engage in cultural activities.