袁方洲 Fangzhou Yuan


1995 中国遼寧省生まれ
2018 清華大学美術学院 工芸学科ガラス専攻卒業
2021 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科 工芸専攻 陶芸(陶・磁・ガラス造形)研究分野 修士課程修了
2021 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科 工芸専攻 陶芸(陶・磁・ガラス造形)研究分野 博士後期課程在籍

1995 Born in Liaoning, China
2014-18 B.A. Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
2019-21 M.F.A. Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School, Ceramics and Glass Course, Tokyo, Japan
2021- Doctoral program, Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School, Ceramics and Glass Course, Tokyo, Japan


2021 個展「虚実体 The nonentity within the entity」(デカメロン 東京)
2021 個展「中間体ーintermediary compoundー」(Tokyo International Gallery 東京)

2018 第14回 大分アジア彫刻展(朝倉文夫記念館文化ホール 大分)
2018「Fusion & Crossover」トリエンナーレ現代ガラス芸術展(中国)
2018 若手工芸作家国際展 第四回薪技芸・燦(バングラデシュ国立美術館 バングラデシュ)
2020 第8回現代ガラス展in山陽小野田(山口県)
2021 第69回東京藝術大学卒業・修了作品展(東京藝術大学大学美術館 東京)
2021 第24回岡本太郎現代芸術賞展(川崎市岡本太郎美術館 川崎市)
2021 KUMA EXHIBITION 2021(東京)
2021 第1回宮若国際芸術トリエンナーレ トライアート(福岡県)
2021 創立50年記念 ’21 日本のガラス展(東京)
2021 のせでんアートライン2021(静思館 兵庫県)
2022 KUMA EXHIBITION 2022(ANB Tokyo 東京)
2022 ANB Open Studio vol.1 (ANB Tokyo 東京)

2020 ASYAAF & Hidden Artists Festival(Gallery LVS & CRAFT 弘益美術館 韓国)

朝倉文夫記念文化ホール (大分)

Solo exhibitions
2021 The nonentity within the entity, Decameron (Tokyo)
2021 Intermediary compound, Tokyo International Gallery (Tokyo)

Group exhibitions
2018 The 14th Oita Asian Sculpture Contest (Japan)
2018 Fusion & Crossover The Contemporary Glass Art Triennial (China)
2018 The 4rd New Crafts International Artists Group Exhibition And Academic Seminar (People’s Republic of Bangladesh)
2020 Contemporary Glass Art Exhibition in Sanyo Onoda (Japan)
2021 69th Tokyo University of the Arts Graduation Works Exhibitions (Faculty of Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts Master’s Program) (Tokyo)
2021 The 24th Exhibition of the Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art (Japan)
2021 KUMA EXHIBITION 2021 (Tokyo)
2021 Glass ’21 in Japan (Tokyo)
2021 NOSEDEN ART LINE 2021 (Japan)
2022 KUMA EXHIBITION 2022 (Tokyo)
2022 ANB Open Studio vol.1 (Tokyo)

Art fair
2020 ASYAAF (Korea)

Corporate collection
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The People’s Republic of China (China)
Asakura Fumio Museum (Japan)



Born in Liaoning Province, China, Yuan Fangzhou came to Japan in 2018 after graduating from Tsinghua University, majoring in Arts and Crafts. Yuan is currently enrolled in the doctoral program of the Department of Crafts at Tokyo University of the Arts and lives and works in Tokyo. Focusing on the relationship between people, objects and nature, Yuan’s work is based on a philosophy influenced by Eastern thought, such as post-minimalism and Buddhism, and intermingles multiple media and techniques, such as sculpture, painting and video, mainly using glass as a medium.




100 years have passed since M. Duchamp proposed a new method of depicting on a transparent base material in his work often called the Large Glass (1915-1923). Three years after production had stopped, the work was greeted by an accident – it had cracked during a transportation. A further ten years, Duchamp fixed all the broken fragments together, to transform the work into its currently known form. This was the moment the characteristics of glass material, transparency and cracking, was engraved into the world of contemporary art. Fangzhou Yuan’s agglomerate works of glass material with transcending expressions, present to us a powerful presence that easily breaks this kind of preconception towards glass materials that was formed nearly a century ago. Yuan has enacted a new world view towards the glass material.

(Public/ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO Organising Committee)