五十嵐大地 Daichi Igarashi


1996 東京生まれ
2016 東京藝術大学 絵画科 油画専攻 入学
2022 東京藝術大学 大学院 絵画専攻 油画研究分野 修了

1996 Born in Tokyo
2020 B.A in Painting, Tokyo University of the Arts
2022 M.F.A in Painting, Tokyo University of the Arts


2021年 「五十嵐大地個展 gjallarhorn」 biscuit gallery (東京)

2021年 「第6の予言 The 6th prophecy -The first sentence-」REAL by ArtSticke KITTE丸の内 (東京)
2022年 「或る絵肌ー物語るマチエールー」日本橋三越本館美術サロン(東京)

Solo exhibitions
2021 “Daichi Igarashi Solo exhibition gjallarhorn” biscuit gallery (Tokyo)

Group exhibitions
2021 “The 6th prophecy -The first sentence-” REAL by ArtSticke KITTE Marunouchi (Tokyo)
2022 “A painting surface: matière that narrates” Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Art salon (Tokyo)



Substituting materials, photographing and projecting on a monitor, drawing on a canvas. The images expressed in different forms depict the immutability of the subject while repeating decay and reconstruction.
Through a series of self-made productions accepting uncontrollable phenomena, I contemplate a pictorial reality that responds to the ever-changing environment.




I went to Ueno to see the graduation exhibition for oil painting, finally rushing to the school building with the sun already setting to also see the Masters exhibition. Probably deliberate on part of the artist there were no lights in the classroom that was already darkening, and in the midst of dusk as the sun was quickly losing its power to the planet rushing to rotate, I encountered a painting that seemed to indicate with utter magnificence the decease of civillisation. As someone magnetically drawn to the Greco-Roman art and history, I was about to forget time in the deep darkness. Luckily as a result of getting to talk to the artist, excessive delusions were neutralised, but it did not weaken the magic of the bicameral mentality, as presented by Julian Jaynes in his The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. I pray to see his work again, still burnt into my memory after half a year has passed.

(Noboru Tsubaki)