



■京都文化博物館 別館


■京都新聞 会場
行き先:京都文化博物館 別館 行き


■清水寺 会場
清水寺 延命院 前
行き先:京都文化博物館 別館 行き




Shuttle cars will be available (free of charge) to take you around the main venue for the event, which runs until March 6. Shuttle car stops will be as follows.


■The Museum of Kyoto Annex
Bus stop: Near the entrance to the main building (along Takakura-dori)
Destination: To Kyoto Shimbun / To Kiyomizu Temple


■Kyoto Shimbun Venue
Bus stop: Near the front entrance / along Karasuma-dori Street
Destination: The Museum of Kyoto Annex Annex


■Kiyomizu Temple Venue
In front of Kiyomizu-dera Temple Enmeiin
Destination: The Museum of Kyoto Annex


※There will be no scheduled departures, only available when the circulating shuttle cars are in front of the venue.
※Please note that due to traffic conditions on the day of the event, the arrival time of the shuttle car may be delayed and waiting time will be long.
※Please note that there is no route from Kyoto Shimbun to Kiyomizu Temple / Kiyomizu Temple to Kyoto Shimbun.


車両提供:マツシマホールディングス / Vehicle provided by MATSUSHIMA HOLDINGS CO.,LTD.