2019年京都芸術大学大学院修士課程修了。 「生きている事を確認する行為」として 2010年から全身に絵の具を纏い始める。その行為をセルフポートレートとして展開。また、展示会場では1日4時間絵の具を纏い続けるパフォーマンスを行う。アートアワード東京丸の内 2019にて丸の内賞(オーディエンス賞)受賞。 その他 NONIO ART WAVE AWARD 2020にてペインティング部門グランプリを受賞。ヨコハマトリエンナーレ 2020 episode00出演作家。
Born in 1994. Based in Kyoto.
Completed her master’s degree at Kyoto University of Arts in 2019. In 2010, she began applying paint to her entire body, as an act of confirming that she is alive. This act is developed as a self-portrait. At exhibitions, she also holds performance in which she wears paint for four hours a day. She received the Marunouchi Award (Audience Award) at Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi 2019. She also won the Grand Prix in the painting category at NONIO ART WAVE AWARD 2020. Also a participating artist of the Yokohama Triennale 2020 episode00.
1994年 大分県出身
2013.4 京都芸術大学(旧京都造形芸術大学)美術工芸学科総合造形コース 入学
2017.3 京都芸術大学(旧京都造形芸術大学)美術工芸学科総合造形コース 卒業
2017.4 京都芸術大学(旧京都造形芸術大学)大学院総合造形領域修士課程 入学
2019.3 京都芸術大学(旧京都造形芸術大学)大学院総合造形領域修士修了
2018.6 I’m still alive / Kunstarzt(京都)
2019.6 embodiment / Kunstarzt(京都)
2019.9 indication / 京都写真美術館(京都)
2019.10 indication / KKAGギャラリー(東京)
2020.12.22-2021.1.9 Then / Fabcafe Kyoto(京都)
2021.6.2-6.12 FLOW /+2artギャラリー(大阪)
2021.6.30-7.17 layer /KKAGギャラリー(東京)
2021.7.31-8.8 stratum / KUNSTARZT(京都)
2019.2 京都造形芸術大学卒業展大学院修了展2019(京都)
2019 Starbucks×SANDWICH 京都BAL 作品展示(京都)
2019.7-8 ASYAAF Hidden Artists DDP Young Designer Challenge/アジア新人アーティスト芸術祭(ソウル/韓国)
2019.10/22-11/4 「現代茶ノ湯スタイル展縁-enishi-」/西武渋谷美術画廊(東京)
2019.11/26-12/14 「小さいわたしたち」/+art gallery(大阪)
2019.11/26-12/8 シブヤスタイルvol.13/西武渋谷美術画廊(東京)
2019.11/29-30 ヨコハマトリエンナーレ2020 episode00 (神奈川)
2020.1.9-12 raw -精神と肉体の展覧会-京都芸術センターco-program D 採択企画/舞台公演(京都)
2020.1.25-2.9 京都府新鋭選抜展/ 京都文化博物館(京都)
2020.6 7「燦三と照りつける太陽で、あつさ加わり体調を崩しがちな季節ですが、 規則正しく健やか奈日々をお過ごしください。展」
西武渋谷店美術画廊 オルナタティブスペースグループ展(東京)
2020.7 アートコレクター展「 collector’s collective 」 東京帝国プラザホテル(東京)
2020.9 Shintaku kanako 公開パフォーマンス(東京)
2020.10 カドウ建築の宴in OPAM(大分県立美術館) 出展(大分)
2020.11-12「チャリティ展「見えない世界」」/+art gallery(大阪)
2021.1.14-21 企画展「Up_01」/銀座 蔦屋書店 GINZA ATRIUM(東京)
2021.4.23-5.15WHAT CAFE POP UP SHOW with tremolo ~24molos~/寺田倉庫whatcafe(東京)
2021.7.15-25 体内で満ちて 企画展 /galleryNUI(京都)
2021.7.17-8.1 アートとTシャツと私 / haku kyoto(京都)
2021.9.8-9.15 交差点ーいま、ここからのー/Bunkamura Gallery(東京)
2020.12.12-20 伊勢市クリエイターズワーケーション
2019.3 ARTISTS FAIR KYOTO2019(京都)
2019.9 Shanghai art fair 2019(上海/中国)
2020.2 アンテルーム _NAHA 客室208号室作品納品
2020.6 新風館 (THISIS) SHIZEN 作品納品
2020.3 小説「ピカソになれない私たち」(著者:一色さゆり 出版社:幻冬舎)表装
1994 Born in Oita
Academic background
2013.4 Entered Kyoto University of the Arts (former Kyoto University of Art and Design), Department of Arts and Crafts, General Design Course
2017.3 Graduated from Kyoto University of the Arts (former Kyoto University of Art and Design), Department of Arts and Crafts, General Design Course
2017.4 Entered Master course of Kyoto University of the Arts
2019.3 M.F.A., Kyoto University of the Arts (former Kyoto University of Art and Design)
Solo Exhibitions
2018.6 “I’m still alive” Kunstarzt (Kyoto)
2019.6 “embodiment” Kunstarzt (Kyoto)
2019.9 “indication” Kyoto Museum of Photography (Kyoto)
2019.10 “indication” KKAG Gallery (Tokyo)
2020.12.22-2021.1.9 “Then” Fabcafe Kyoto (Kyoto)
2021.6.2-6.12 “FLOW” +2art Gallery (Osaka)
2021.6.30-7.17 “layer” KKAG Gallery (Tokyo)
2021.7.31-8.8 “stratum” KUNSTARZT (Kyoto)
Group Exhibitions
2019.2 Kyoto University of Art and Design Graduation Exhibition 2019 (Kyoto)
2019 Starbucks x SANDWICH Kyoto BAL exhibition (Kyoto)
2019.7-8 ASYAAF Hidden Artists DDP Young Designer Challenge/Asian New Artist Art Festival (Seoul, Korea)
2019.10/22-11/4 “Contemporary Chanoyu Style Exhibition Enishi” Seibu Shibuya Art Gallery (Tokyo)
2019.11/26-12/14 “Small We” +art gallery (Osaka)
2019.11/26-12/8 SHIBUYA STYLE vol.13, Seibu Shibuya Art Gallery (Tokyo)
2019.11/29-30 Yokohama Triennale 2020 episode00 (Kanagawa)
2020.1.9-12 raw – Exhibition of the spirit and the body – Kyoto Art Center co-program D adopted project / stage performance (Kyoto)
2020.1.25-2.9 Selected New Artists Exhibition in Kyoto / The Museum of Kyoto (Kyoto)
2020.6.7 “In this season when the sun shines brilliantly and we tend to lose our health due to the heat, please have a regular and healthy day. Exhibition” Seibu Shibuya Art Gallery (Tokyo)
2020.7 “collector’s collective” Tokyo Imperial Plaza Hotel (Tokyo)
2020.9 Shintaku Kanako public performance (Tokyo)
2020.10 Kado Architecture Party in OPAM (Oita Prefectural Museum of Art) Exhibition (Oita)
2020.11-12 “Charity Exhibition “Invisible World”” +art gallery (Osaka)
2021.1.14-21 Exhibition “Up_01” at GINZA ATRIUM Tsutaya (Tokyo)
2021.4.23-5.15 WHAT CAFE POP UP SHOW with tremolo ~24molos~, Terada Soko whatcafe (Tokyo)
2021.7.15-25 Filling up in the body, exhibition, galleryNUI (Kyoto)
2021.7.17-8.1 Art, T-shirt and me, haku kyoto (Kyoto)
2021.9.8-9.15 Intersection – Now, from here -, Bunkamura Gallery (Tokyo)
2020.12.12-20 Ise City Creators’ Vacation
Art Fair
2019.3 ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO 2019, Kyoto
2019.9 Shanghai Art Fair 2019, Shanghai, China
Company delivery address
2020.2 Anthe Room _NAHA, room 208, artwork delivery
2020.6 Shinpukan (THIS) SHIZEN, artwork supplied
2020.3 Cover design for the novel “We Who Cannot Be Picasso” (Author: Sayuri Isshiki, Publisher: Gentosha)
Sometimes I cover myself with paint.
When I cover myself with paint, I experience mind-tripping, almost like reincarnation––it makes me forget who I am, and the fact that I am human with a body.
The experience of mind-tripping helps me to ease the fear that I always have in my mind––the fear of my existence fading away every day.
The act of covering myself with paint is like a ritual that is necessary in my life, not only to lessen the fear towards the fading sense of my existence in this world, but also to remind myself that I exist in this world, right at this moment, and that therefore I’m still alive.
The bold and nearly self-sacrificing body painting is inspiring to people, because our DNA remembers from tens of thousands of years ago on this earth, that we used to rub liquids of various colours made from earth and plants onto the body, and at times through euphoric dances, to communicate with others. It is still an overwhelming time ahead, until people become able to communicate through the use of words. Kanako Shintaku’s expressions, revive this ancient history within us.
(Public/ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO Organising Committee)