Possible Futures | アリツィア・ロガルスカ、ウーカシュ・スロヴィエツ、ピョトル・ブヤク、笹岡由梨子、高田冬彦
Possible Futures | Alicja Rogalska、Łukasz Surowiec、Piotr Bujak、Yuriko Sasaoka、Fuyuhiko Takata
Invaders: 笹岡 由梨子、Pawel Pachciarek
日 時 | : | 3/6(Sat)、3/7(Sun) 10:00 - 18:00 |
会 場 | : | 京都新聞ビル 地下1階 京都市中京区烏丸通夷川上ル少将井町239 |
入場料 | : | 無料 |
This contemporary art exhibition is the first of a series of regional revitilisation projects. By welcoming 339 Sazanga-Kyu to Kansai's map of art events, art practitioners and theorists are united, and an environment that is inclusive to local communities, that are not always connected to contemporary art, is developed through workshops, lectures and creative social activities. This exhibition focuses on the shadows of society that have become removed in various ways, and is an experiment to answer the question, of the possibilities of an inclusive future for communities that have been marginalised in society. The project also aims to connect artists from all over the world in various stages of their careers, through the residency in Kyoto.
Invaders: Yuriko Sasaoka, Pawel Pachciarek
Dates | : | 3/6 (Sat), 3/7 (Sun) 10:00 – 18:00 |
Address | : | THE KYOTO SHIMBUN BLDG. B1F 239, Shoshoicho, Ebisugawa-agaru, Karasuma-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto |
Entrance | : | Free |
「ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO 2021」 のサテライトイベント。
「ARTISTSʼ FAIR KYOTO」のコンセプトに共感いただいた企業が、京都から発信するアートシーンをともに盛り上げるため、過去に「ARTISTSʼFAIR KYOTO」に出品した作家とコラボレーションし展覧会を開催します。
Satellite events of ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO 2021.
Organisations enthusiastic about ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO's concept, will collaborate with artists who have participated in past editions, and hold exhibitions to liven up the art scene from Kyoto. We ask for your understanding that there may be restrictions at each venue, including admission, to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
黒川岳 Gaku Kurokawa
3/4(Thu) ~ 3/7(Sun)11:00 - 18:00
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菊池和晃、TŌBOE(西條茜 × バロンタン・ガブリエ)、吉田桃子 Kazuaki Kikuchi, TŌBOE(Akane Saijo x Valentin Gabelier), Momoko Yoshida
3/4(Thu) ~ 3/14(Sun) 11:00 - 18:00
藤井大丸 ブラックストレージ
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作家名:鬼頭 健吾 タイトル:untitled(hula-hoop)(2017)
撮影:Shinya Kigure
鬼頭健吾 Kengo Kito
1/23(Sat) ~ 3/14(Sun) 10:30 - 20:00
藤井大丸 1F フリースペース
武田諭、東條由佳、野田ジャスミン Satoshi Takeda,Yuka Tojo,Jusmin Noda
1/23(Sat) ~ 1/31(Sun) 10:30 - 19:00
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前田紗希 Saki Maeda
3/6(Sat)、3/7(Sun) 10:00 - 18:00
Artist-in-Residence 賀茂なす
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松村咲希 Saki Matsumura
3/4(Thu) ~ 3/21(Sun) 14:00 - 22:00
月・火休 Closed Monday&Tuesday
ygion 4Fラウンジ
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おおさかカンヴァス2016 主催:大阪府
3/4(Thu) 13:00 - 18:00
3/6(Sat)、3/7(Sun) 10:00 - 18:00
新風館 中庭
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今西真也 Shinya Imanishi
3/4(Thu) ~ 3/7(Sun) 11:00 - 18:30
Bijuu B1F ギャラリースペース
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品川美香 Mika Shinagawa
3/4(Thu)、3/5(Fri) 13:00 - 18:00
3/6(Sat)、3/7(Sun) 10:00 - 18:00
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「ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO 2021」につきましては、国・京都府・関係団体作成のガイドラインを遵守し、COVID-19(新型コロナウイルス感染症)対策を講じた上、来場者、出品者、運営スタッフ、施工業者まで感染拡大予防対策の遂行を徹底し、万全の体制で計画、準備、開催します。
Precautions against COVID-19
The ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO 2021 will be held, planned and prepared fully abiding to the guidelines of the Japanese government, Kyoto prefecture and other related organisations, in taking measures to prevent COVID-19 (coronavirus) from spreading, with all visitors, exhibitors, members of staff and contractors strictly following the measures to prevent the spread of the virus.
We ask for your prior understanding that depending on the situation of the spread of COVID-19, there is a possibility that the event will be postponed or cancelled without prior announcement.