羊羹とクリーム YOUKAN and CREAM

3/4(Thu) ~ 3/7(Sun) 11:00 - 18:30
Bijuu ギャラリースペース




近年東京を中心に韓国や台湾など国内外で展覧会を開催し、またシェル美術賞2020グランプリを受賞するなど、さらなる活躍が期待される今西真也の関西初の個展をBijuu ギャラリースペースにて開催します。本展のタイトルである「羊羹とクリーム」は日本人の色彩に対する美意識、感覚を表す例えとして谷崎潤一郎が「陰影礼賛」のなかで用いた一節からきており、西洋の素材(絵具)を用いて光の移ろいを画面に表そうと試みます。

今西 真也


日 時 3/4(Thu) ~ 3/7(Sun) 11:00 - 18:30
会 場 Bijuu B1F ギャラリースペース
展示作家 今西 真也
入場料 無料
主催 Bijuu(075-353-0802)
作品のお問い合わせ先 日動コンテンポラリーアート(03-3555-2140 / info@nca-g.com)
Shinya Imanishi is an up-and-coming artist with exhibitions held domestically and internationally in Tokyo, Korea and Taiwan, as well as being awarded the Shell Art Award 2020, and will be holding his first solo exhibition of Kansai at the Bijuu gallery space. The title of this exhibition YOUKAN and CREAM comes from a passage in Junichiro Tanizaki's In Praise of Shadows, describing the Japanese aesthetics and contemplations regarding colour, and is an attempt to express the transition of light using western materials (paints).

Shinya Imanishi

Born in Nara, 1995. Shinya Imanishi spreads thick layers of oil paints on the canvas, and repeats the process of leaving strong brush marks and scraping. The image that reveals itself by standing at a distance from the painting, shows motifs such as lightning, fireworks and the movement of light, which evoke senses of change, disappearance and corruption, as well as reproduction, rebirth and revival, indicating that life (the beginning) and death (the end) are two sides of the same coin. Showing us a different expression as we change our distance, angle or position, it is as if to demonstrate how unreliable what we see and perceive in our daily lives are.

Dates 3/4(Thu) ~ 3/7(Sun) 11:00 - 18:30
Address Bijuu gallery space
Kyoto, Shimogyo-ward, Sendo-cho 194
Artist Shinya Imanishi
Entrance Free
Host Bijuu(075-353-0802)
Inquiries nca | nichido contemporary art(03-3555-2140 / info@nca-g.com)