1/23(Sat) ~ 3/14(Sun) 10:30 - 20:00
藤井大丸 1F フリースペース
1/23(Sat) ~ 1/31(Sun) 10:30 - 19:00
作家名:鬼頭 健吾 タイトル:untitled(hula-hoop)(2017)
撮影:Shinya Kigure
作家名:野田 ジャスミン タイトル:ghost72(2020)
作家名:武田 諭 タイトル:「存在」の思索における「気配」の考察(2019)
作家名:東條 由佳 タイトル:There you are.(2020)
鬼頭 健吾
1977年愛知県生まれ。京都芸術大学大学院教授。2001年名古屋芸術大学絵画科洋画コース卒業後、2003年京都市立芸術大学大学院美術研究科油画修了。主な個展にハラミュージアムアーク「Maltiple StarⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ」展、グループ展には、森美術館「六本木クロッシング2007:未来への脈動」展、国立新美術館「アーティストファイル」展、エルミタージュ美術館「Mono No Aware」展、高松市美術館「ギホウのヒミツ」展、2020年、京都市京セラ美術館にてリニューオープン後、初の展覧会として個展「Full Lightness」が開催された。2008年五島記念文化賞を受賞しニューヨークに1年滞在し、その後ドイツベルリンにて制作活動。フラフープやシャンプーボトルなど、工業製品の現代的なカラフルさと、生命体や宇宙を感じさせるような広がりを融合させた作品で、国内外から高い評価を受ける。
日 時 | : | 1/23(Sat) ~ 3/14(Sun) 10:30 - 20:00(緊急事態宣言発出中は ~ 19:00) |
会 場 | : | 藤井大丸 1F フリースペース 京都市下京区寺町通四条下ル貞安前之町605 ※定休日は1/26(Tue)、2/16(Tue) |
展示作家 | : | 鬼頭 健吾 |
入場料 | : | 無料 |
主催 | : | ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO 実行委員会 (075-414-4222 ※9:00 - 17:00、土日祝除く) |
武田 諭
1982年岡山生まれ。2008年武蔵野美術大学卒業造形学部油絵科卒業。受賞歴に「トーキョーワンダーウォール2010」TWW賞。主な展示に2017年「FxAxRxM」clinic 東京、「work on paper」rin art association 群馬、2016年「どこにもない新しい場所」渋谷西武デパート。2016年「新たな価値を与える行為」clinic 東京、等展覧会のキュレーションも行う。
東條 由佳
野田 ジャスミン
1996年タイ国ウタイ県生まれ。京都精華大学芸術学部陶芸コースにて陶芸を学ぶ。受賞歴に「京都精華大学2019年卒業・修了制作展」 学長賞。個展に「白樺ノ積雪」(まつい別邸 京都)、「記憶のスワン03/花送り」(ドラフトギャラリー 京都)。「食器と飾器」(gallery恵風1F 京都)、「SO KO store」(gallery Lv.10 大阪)などで作品展示の他に展示会企画やディレクションも行う。主に器物のフォーマットからなる工芸作品を用いたインスタレーション作品を制作。
日 時 | : | 1/23(Sat) ~ 1/31(Sun) 10:30 - 19:00 |
会 場 | : | 藤井大丸 2F THE SPACE FUJII DAIMARU 京都市下京区寺町通四条下ル貞安前之町605 ※定休日は1/26(Tue) |
展示作家 | : | 武田諭 、東條 由佳、野田 ジャスミン |
入場料 | : | 無料 |
主催 | : | ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO 実行委員会 (075-414-4222 ※9:00 - 17:00、土日祝除く) |
Kengo Kito
Born in Aichi, Japan in 1977. Professor of postgraduate course at Kyoto University of the Arts. After graduated from the Department of Oil Painting at Nagoya University of the Arts in 2001, Kito completed his postgraduate studies of oil painting at Kyoto City University of Arts in 2003. His solo exhibition “Multiple StarⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ” was held at Hara Museum ARC, Gunma in 2017. Other major group exhibitions include “Roppongi Crossing 2007: Future Beats in Japanese Contemporary Art” at Mori Art Museum, “Artist File” at the National Art Center, “Mono no Aware” at the State Hermitage Museum, Russia, and “The Secrets of Techniques“ at Takamatsu Art Museum. In 2020, his latest solo exhibition “Full Lightness” was introduced at Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art as the opening exhibition to celebrate the renewal of this museum. In 2008, Kito spent a year in New York as part of the reward program for winning the Goto Memorial Cultural Award, followed by 2 years of creation period in Berlin, Germany. Kito has been highly acknowledged both domestically and internationally for his works, which often combine contemporary colors found in such industrial products as hula-hoops and shampoo bottles merged with proliferation of organic lives, and expansion of the universe.
Dates | : | 1/23 (Sat) –3/14 (Sun) 10:30–20:00(Close at 19:00 during the declaration of a state of emergency) |
Address | : | FUJII DAIMARU 1F freespace Kyoto, Shimogyo-ward, Teianmaeno-cho 605 *Closed on 1/26(Tue)、2/16(Tue) |
Artist | : | Kengo Kito |
Entrance | : | Free |
Host | : | ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO Organising Committee (075-414-4222 *9:00–17:00, closed weekends, public holidays.) |
Satoshi Takeda
Born in Okayama, 1982. Graduated from Musashino Art University in 2008. Awards include the Tokyo Wonder Wall 2010 TWW Award. Exhibitions include FxAxRxM, clinic Tokyo and work on paper, rin art association Gunma in 2017, and Nowhere but Somewhere New, Shibuya Seibu Department Store Tokyo in 2016. Takeda has also curated exhibitions such as Creating new value at clinic Tokyo in 2016.
Yuka Tojo
Born in Fukuoka, 1989. Graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Design, 2014. Awards include selection at the Gunma Biennale for Young Artists 2019 and Tokyo Wonder Wall 2015. She has held a solo exhibition in October 2019, in Kamiyama of Tokushima prefecture, her current base. Tojo's productions are based on the theme of existence, using the wrinkles of clothes as her motif.
Jasmin Noda
Born in Uthai, Thailand, 1996. Noda studied pottery at Kyoto Seika University, Faculty of Arts. He was awarded the President's Award at the Kyoto Seika University Graduation Exhibition. Solo exhibitions include Shirakaba no Sekisetu, Matsui Annex, Kyoto, Swan of Memory 03 / Hanaokuri, Draft Gallery, Kyoto, and SO KO store, gallery Lv.10, Osaka. Noda also planned and directed the exhibitions at Shokki to Shokuki, gallery Keifu 1F, Kyoto, and SO KO store, gallery Lv.10, Osaka, as well as exhibiting his work. Noda mainly produces installations using crafts in the format of equipment.
Dates | : | 1/23 (Sat) –1/31 (Sun) 10:30–19:00 |
Address | : | FUJII DAIMARU 2F THE SPACE FUJII DAIMARU Kyoto, Shimogyo-ward, Teianmaeno-cho 605 *Closed on 1/26(Tue) |
Artist | : | Satoshi Takeda, Yuka Tojo, Jasmin Noda |
Entrance | : | Free |
Host | : | ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO Organising Committee (075-414-4222 *9:00–17:00, closed weekends, public holidays.) |