主な展示に、「Human. Human? Human!」(Cohju comtenporary art / 京都)2020 「神の左手悪魔の右手」(EUKARYOTE / 東京)2020
Born in Osaka, 1994. Graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Design Graduate School, Master’s course in painting in 2020. Currently based in Osaka and Nara. Main exhibitions include “Human. Human? Human!” (Cohju contemporary art, Kyoto) 2020, and “God’s left hand, Devil’s right hand” (EUKARYOTE, Tokyo) 2020.
2018 京都造形芸術大学油画コース卒業
2020 京都造形芸術大学大学院ペインティング領域修了
2020 「Human. Human? Human!」Cohju comtenporary art (京都)
2020 「神の左手悪魔の右手」EUKARYOTE (東京)
2019 「Yang Artist Exbiton 2019」 EUKARYOTE(東京)
2018 B.F.A Oil Painting, Kyoto University of Art and Design
2020 M.F.A Painting, Kyoto University of Art and Design Graduade School
Solo Exhibitions
2020 “Human. Human? Human!” Crafts Contemporary Art (Kyoto)
Group Exhibitions
2020 “God’s left hand, Devil’s right hand” EUKARYOTE (Tokyo)
2019 “Yang Artist Exhibiton 2019” EUKARYOTE (Tokyo)
I often draw humans. We say humans, but there are many people.
I portray drunken locals, clergy, or sometimes myself.
Each person has something contradictory, such as sacred/vulgar, or beautiful/ugly, but they are equivalent inside a painting, as beings depicted by material paint.
I am drawn to the chaotic anxiety of humans, and I paint today too feeling it is worth painting.
Azuma is an artist who depicts humans as his subject. The people of Osaka where he lives, like drunks, exhibitionists, and people engaging in BDSM are depicted with affection. The people and animals with silly faces painted with fierce brushstrokes onto the canvas, are reminiscent of Ichiro Fukuzawa’s painting of people running after toilet paper; he is a unique artist that represents today, who generates madness and humour.
(Kengo Kito)