藤田紗衣 Sae Fujita


1992年京都府生まれ。京都市立芸術大学 大学院 美術研究科 絵画専攻 版画 修了。版によってあらわれるイメージに着目し、シルクスクリーンやインクジェットプリントなどの複製技術を用いて平面作品、アートブックの制作を行う。

Born in Kyoto, 1992. Kyoto City University of Arts, 2017.
She makes printmaking and art books based on her interests in printing and drawing.


2017年京都市立芸術大学 大学院 美術研究科 絵画専攻 版画 修了
2015年ロイヤル・カレッジ・オブ・アート(ロンドン)版画専攻 短期交換留学
2015年京都市立芸術大学 美術学部 美術科 版画専攻 卒業

2020「3331 ART FAIR 2020」/3331 Arts Chiyoda(東京)
2018「快晴 byナイスショップスー&LAGON」/ペフ(大阪),Galerie P38(フランス), KG CORNER PRINTING(東京)
2018「Waddling Image」/空場Polymer(台北)
2018「京芸 transmit program 2018」/京都市立芸術大学ギャラリー@KCUA
2017「still moving 2017: 距離へのパトス far away/so close」 ‒ 「フローとストック」プロジェクト/元崇仁小学校(京都)
2016「Pinch In, Pinch Out」/gallery make(京都)

1992 Born in Kyoto, Japan
2017 MFA in Printmaking, Kyoto City University of Arts
2015 Short-term foreign exchange program at the Royal College of Art, London
BFA in Printmaking, Kyoto City University of Arts

2020 “3331 ART FAIR 2020” 3331 Arts Chiyoda (Tokyo)
2019 “OBJECT” Kyoto Okazaki Tsutaya Books (Kyoto)
2018 “kaisei by nice shop su & LAGON” pehu (Osaka), Galerie P38 (Paris), KG CORNER PRINTING (Tokyo)
2018 “Waddling Image” 空場Polymer (Taipei)
2018 “KCUA Transmit Program 2018” Kyoto City University of Arts, Gallery @KCUA (Kyoto)
2017 “Still Moving 2017: The Socialism of Distance – Far Away/So Close” – “Flow and Stock Project” Former Suujin Elementary School (Kyoto)
2016 “Pinch In, Pinch Out” Gallery Make (Kyoto)



My works are based on my interests in the image between printing and drawing. I often use digitalized drawings for being freed from physicality. I redefine how I draw by printing.




Fujita naturally possesses both the techniques of traditional printmaking and image processing using the now mainstream computer, and has the ability to invert between minute and large, diagram and land. Though they are like the spilt noise from the process of some kind of production, I think it will be interesting when they begin to embody the possibility of attacking or overthrowing things.

(Teppei Kaneuji)