溝渕珠能 Juno Mizobuchi



Born in Kagawa, 1992. Graduated from the Illustration course, Faculty of Design, Kyoto Seika University in 2014. After graduating, Mizobuchi moved to Tokyo for a job opportunity. He mainly creates paintings, and also participates in individual and group exhibitions, provides artworks, and produces indoor murals. He creates artwork that allows him to find his present self, from simple and small actions.


2014 京都精華大学デザイン学部イラストレーションコース卒業

2016 「Blue Sheets」 @pulp(大阪)
2017 「HOW ASSEMBLY」 @argument gallery (東京)
「x Flat Black x Noir mat」 @新宿サナギ (東京)
2019 「RUTE」 @vou (京都)
「Another ordinary day」 @ANAGRA (東京)
2020「Flutter」 @LOBBY (東京)
「⬜︎ · ⬜︎〻」  @△ll (東京)

2016 「爆破」 @gallery conceal (東京)
2017 「ナスティーな遊撃」 @Amp cafe (東京)
「NASTY RAID」 @pulp (大阪)
「Lucky Cat」 @GALLERY X BY PARCO (東京)
「NEW GIG 4」 @argument gallery (東京)
「29 vs QUIET NOISE」 @Quiet Noise (東京)
「セイカイラストOB展2017 」 @京都精華大学ギャラリーフロール (京都)
2018 「museum」 @pulp (大阪)
「爆破」 @kit gallery (東京)
「窓越しの堂」 @Aquvii (東京)
2019 「Ceramic Scramble」 @カオスラウンジ アトリエ (東京)
「Art start up 100」 @代官山ヒルサイドフォーラム (東京)
2020 「SAKURA FES NIHONBASHI」 @日本橋駅構内 (東京)

2014 Graduated from Illustration course, Faculty of Design, Kyoto Seika University.

Solo Exhibitions
2016 “Blue Sheets” Pulp Gallery (Osaka)
2017 “How Assembly” Argument gallery (Tokyo)
“x Flat Black x Noir mat” Sanagi Shinjuku (Tokyo)
2019 “RUTE” vou (Kyoto)
“Another ordinary day” ANAGRA (Tokyo)
2020 “Flutter” LOBBY (Tokyo)
“⬜︎ · ⬜︎〻” △ll (Tokyo)

Group Exhibitions
2016 “Bakuha” Gallery Conceal (Tokyo)
2017 “NASTY RAID” Amp cafe (Tokyo)
“NASTY RAID” Pulp Gallery (Osaka)
“Lucky Cat” GALLERY X BY PARCO (Tokyo)
“NEW GIG 4” Argument gallery (Tokyo)
“29 vs QUIET NOISE” Quiet Noise (Tokyo)
“Seika Illustration OB2017” Kyoto Seika University (Kyoto)
2018 “museum” Pulp Gallery (Osaka)
“Bakuha” kit gallery (Tokyo)
“Dou through the window” Aquvii (Tokyo)
2019 “Ceramic Scramble” Chaos Lounge Atelier (Tokyo)
“Art start up 100” Hillside Forum Daikanyama (Tokyo)
2020 “SAKURA FES NIHONBASHI” Nihonbashi Station (Tokyo)



Everything is mixed and connected in this world. Something like a red frame implies the boundaries of things. We compare what is in front of us with our knowledge, and understand it by putting it into words. We repeat this process of trying to grasp and understand an idea every day. However, there is a world that we saw and embedded into our visions before we knew of language. These experiences and memories are what create our very own senses. When we recognize and feel those memories and experiences near us, we can recognize ourselves again. I hope my work will become a trigger for you.




Mizobuchi’s paintings are like a mirror of truth. The colourful and light forms of his artwork attracts many of its viewers. The extreme smoothness of the surface of his brushwork promotes this, but once you step into the painting, you realise it is not so simple to read his context. What the paintings mean, generated carefully by his hands based on a rough, meticulously created on the computer, is actually not that important. What the mirror shows, is only yourself.

(Yoshitaka Yazu)