佐々木光 Hikari Sasaki


1991年岩手県生まれ。京都造形芸術大学 美術工芸学科を卒業後、富山ガラス造形研究所で4年間ガラスを学ぶ。研究所在籍中のGerrit Rietveld Academieへの交換留学をきっかけに、記憶と経験をテーマに、ガラスと他素材によるインスタレーションの制作を続けている。国内の展覧会だけではなく、海外でも展覧会の参加、アーティストインレジデンス、ワークショップなどを行い、国内外問わず活動をしています。

Born in Iwate, 1991. After graduating from the Department of Fine and Applied Arts, Kyoto University of Art and Design in 2004, Sasaki entered the Glass Certification Studies Program at Toyama City Institute of Glass Art (TIGA). She then continued her research at the Advanced Research Studies Program of TIGA. While in TIGA, Sasaki went to the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam as an exchange study student in 2017. She then started creating installations made of glass and other materials on the theme of memory and experience. In addition to domestic exhibitions, she also participates in international exhibitions, artist in residences, and workshops.


2014 京都造形芸術大学 美術工芸学科 卒業
2016 富山ガラス造形研究所 造形科 卒業
2017 Gerrit Rietveld Academie(オランダ)交換留学
2018 富山ガラス造形研究所 研究科 修了

2013 京都造形芸術大学 優秀学生賞
2014 越中アートフェスティバル 入選
2016 Stanislav Libensky Award 2016 入選
2020 Jutta Cuny-Franz Award Talent Awards 受賞

2020 「さざめごと」 (富山ガラス美術館 / 富山)

2020「Toyama Art and Glass Exhibition in Singapore 2020」(Singapore)
2019「Toyama Art and Glass Exhibition in Singapore2019」 (Singapore)
2018「First Patronage Program 2018」 (KITTE 丸の内 / 東京)
2017「⇒From KOZUKATA to the Future⇒展 -未来の巨匠展のミライ- 」( 岩手県 民会館 / 岩手 )
2016「Stanislav Libensky Award 2016」(DOX Centre for Contemporary Art / Czech Republic)
2016「佐々木 光・田村 麻未 2 人展 ーガラスと陶の造形ー 」(Gallery 澄光 / 東京 )

2020「ART SCENES」(オンラインアートフェア)

2019 Canberra glassworks 富山市滞在制作事業アーティストインレジデンス (オーストラリア)

2014 B.F.A Kyoto University of Art and Design
2016 Toyama City Institute of Glass Art (Glass Certification Studies Program) 
2017 Gerrit Rietveld Academie Exchange Program
2018 Toyama City Institute of Glass Art (Advanced Research Studies Program)

2013 Kyoto University of Art and Design, Student Award
2014 Etchu Art Festa, Selected
2016 Stanislav Libensky Award 2016, Selected
2020 Jutta Cuny-Franz Award, Talent Awards

Solo Exhibitions
2020 “Sazamegoto” Toyama Glass Museum (Toyama)

Group Exhibitions
2020 “Toyama Art and Glass Exhibition in Singapore 2020” (Singapore)
2019 “Toyama Art and Glass Exhibition in Singapore 2019” (Singapore)
2018 “First Patronage Program 2018” KITTE Maunouchi (Tokyo)
2017 “⇒From KOZUKATA to the Future⇒Festivals” (Iwate)
2016 “Stanislav Libensky Award 2016” (Czech Republic)
“Hikari Sasaki and Mami Tamura exhibition” Gallery Choukou (Tokyo)

Art fairs
2020 “ART SCENES” (Online fair)

Artist in residences
2019 Canberra glassworks (Australia)



I’m a mixed media artist working with glass and my main theme is about a composition in space. The keyword of my works is “my walked route and visual memory”. I collect artifacts in my life as motifs of my work, and research about the feelings of physical and psychological distance between the objects in a space. I mainly use glass and also use other materials.I also draw a map to visualize the paths while I collect the artifacts as a two dimensional composition.




When Hikari Sasaki was a student, I always saw her laying out small pieces of material on her desk and collecting them. I had the impression that she was a conscientious worker. When I heard that she was going to select glass as her research material, and that she would go to a laboratory, I imagined that she was going to develop her perspective in crafts. But look at her latest work. She had grown into an artist with the composition and perspective of someone from a sculptural background – mixed media. She will become more and more borderless, I look forward to her future.

(Aiko Miyanaga)