西垣肇也樹 Hayaki Nishigaki


1985 兵庫県に生まれる
2012 京都造形芸術大学大学院修士課程芸術研究科芸術表現専攻修了
2015 共同スタジオ 『スタジオハイデンバン STUDIOHAIDENBAN』立ち上げ
2017 JOINT EXHIBITION 「yodo studio × STUDIOHAIDENBAN」 スタジオハイデンバン/京都
2018 個展「不覚のオープンワールド」 TS4312/東京
2019 「ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO 2019」京都府京都文化博物館/京都
2020 「ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO 2020」京都府京都文化博物館/京都
2020 個展「Artist-in-Residence 加茂なす vol.003 西垣 肇也樹」AIR加茂なす/京都

1985 Born in Hyogo
2012 M.F.A. Painting, Kyoto University of Art & Design
2015 Founded the joint studio “STUDIOHAIDENBAN”

Studio Haidenban / Kyoto
2018 Solo Exhibition “Wonderland Open World” TS4312 (Tokyo)
2019 ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO 2019, The Museum of Kyoto (Kyoto)
2020 ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO 2020, The Museum of Kyoto (Kyoto)

2020 Solo Exhibition “Artist-in-Residence vol.003 Hayaki Nishigaki” AIR KAMONASU (Kyoto)


主な受賞として、渋谷芸術祭(SHIBUYA AWARDS)2017/大賞、SNBA賞、京展2016/須田賞など。

2014 個展「和泉屋旅館×西垣肇也樹」 和泉屋旅館/京都
2014 「京都銭湯芸術祭二〇一四」 企画運営
2015 「京都銭湯芸術祭二〇一五」 企画運営
2016 二人展「西垣肇也樹×竹内義博 2人展」 TS4312/東京
2017 JOINT EXHIBITION「yodo studio×STUDIOHAIDENBAN」 スタジオハイデンバン/京都
2017 「京都銭湯芸術の祭りMOMOTARO二〇一七」 企画運営
2017 「SHIBUYA ART FESTIVAL 2017」 渋谷駅特設会場/東京
2018 「ワンダーシード2018」入選  トーキョーアーツアンドスペース本郷/東京
2018 個展「不覚のオープンワールド」 TS4312/東京
2019 「ARTTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO 2019」 京都府京都文化博物館/京都
2020 「ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO 2020」京都府京都文化博物館/京都
2020 個展「Artist-in-Residence 加茂なす vol.003 西垣 肇也樹」AIR加茂なす/京都

Born in Hyogo, 1985
Nishigaki plans and manages the Kyoto Sento Arts Festival, using public baths and local environments of Kyoto as an art platform; he creates paintings of Godzilla, as a vessel of the Japanese of a defeated country, using Japanese paper and ink.

2012 M.F.A. Painting, Kyoto University of Art and Design

2016 Kyoto Exhibition (Kyoten) 2016, Suda Prize
2017 Shibuya Awards 2017, Grand Prize, SNBA Award

Solo exhibitions
2014 “KYOTO Izumiya Ryokan x Hayaki Nishigaki” Izumiya Ryokan (Kyoto)
2018 “Wonderland Open World” TS4312 (Tokyo)
2020 “Artist-in-Residence vol.3 Hayaki Nishigaki” AIR KAMONASU (Kyoto)

Group exhibitions
2015 “STUDIOHAIDENBAN OPEN STUDIO” Studio Haidenban (Kyoto)
2016 “Hayaki Nishigaki, Yoshihiro Takeuchi duo exhibition” TS 4312 (Tokyo)
2017 JOINT EXHIBITION “yodo studio x STUDIOHAIDENBAN” Studio Haidenban (Kyoto)
2018 “Wonder seeds exhibition 2018” Tokyo Arts And Space Hongo (Tokyo)

2014 “Kyoto Sento Art Festival 2014” Planing and management (Kyoto)
2015 “Kyoto Sento Art Festival 2015” Planing and management (Kyoto)
2017 “The Festival of Kyoto Sento Art Festival MOMOTARO 2017” (Kyoto)
“Shibuya Art Festival 2017” Shibuya station special venue (Tokyo)

Art Fairs
2019 ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO 2019, The Museum of Kyoto (Kyoto)
2020 ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO 2020, The Museum of Kyoto (Kyoto)

Artist in Residences



There is a spirit that admires repetition in the ideology and mass culture of us Japanese; to stay in the same moment against the flow of time. Although we could call this an infinite loop of emptiness, I wonder if it is possible to escape this tour of the Peach Blossom Spring, just like how the first Masked Rider found his ego by coincidence. I explore this through art – the suspension of senses.




Even with a strong career, seeing the recent Nishigaki, flexibly drawing to depict all ages and countries at ease, is so exciting it unconsciously makes me want to call him Hokusai. Though in the originating China there are many among even the young artists who freely make use of the ink brush, and there is a powerful market, it is unfortunate that in our country, ink brush painting is stereotyped into a particular field and not thought to be an international media. Also keep an eye out for the young artists who have gathered at the Studio Haidenban which he hosts! Why not plan a visit to the studio along with AFK?

(Noboru Tsubaki)