満田 晴穂 / Haruo Mitsuta



1980 鳥取県に生れる。就学期を千葉県我孫子市で過ごす

2002 東京藝術大学美術学部工芸科入学。授業の一環として実施された古美術研究旅行で自在置物師・冨木宗行と出会い、自在置物作家を目指す

2006 東京藝術大学美術学部工芸科卒業

2008 東京藝術大学 美術研究科 修士課程彫金研究室 修了




2010、13、15、17 ラディウムーレントゲンヴェルケ

2010、12、14、16 日本橋三越




2017 佐倉市美術館、松濤美術館、北海道立函館美術館、豊橋市美術博物館、三井記念美術館、奈良県立美術館。


2016 ハワイ大学、ホノルル美術館

2013 森美術館、高崎市タワー美術館

2010 Bunkamuraギャラリー、台北AKI Gallery






2006 原田賞奨学基金受賞。「全日本 金・銀創作展」開催委員会会長賞受賞






1980 Born in Tottori, Japan, and then moved to Abiko, Chiba, where he lived until he was twenty-eight.

2002 Entered Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Department of Crafts. Encountering the Jizai-okimono artist Muneyuki Tomiki while on a university trip to study antique art led him to become a Jizai-okimono artist.

2006 Graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Department of Crafts

2008 Completed the Master’s degree program in metal carving, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music.


Selected solo exhibitions


2017,15,13,10 Radi-um von Röntgenwerke AG

2016,14,12,10 Nihombashi Mitsukoshi Main Store


Selected group exhibitions


2017 Sakura City Museum of Art, The Shoto Museum of Art, Hakodate Museum of Art, Hokkaido, Toyohashi City Museum Art & History, Mitsui Memorial Museum, Nara Prefectural Museum of Art

2010-16 ‘KOH-JUTSU’ series exhibition: Spiral hall, Gallery Ten etc.

2016 Hawaii university, Honolulu Museum of Art

2013 Mori Museum, Takasaki Tower Museum of Art

2010 Bunkamura Gallery, Aki Gallery, Taipei


Selected Awards


2017 Awarded the 8th Creative Tradition Prize, 2016 Japan Arts Foundation Scholarship.

2009 Selected for The 48th Japan Crafts Exhibition.

2007 Received the Grand Prize of The 2nd Art Plaza Grand Prize-Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music.

2006 Received the Harada Award. Received the Chairman’s Award in the All Japan Gold & Silver Creative Exhibition, Tokyo.


Public collection


Kiyomizu Sannennzaka Museum






JIZAI-OKIMONO (universal ornament)’ are made by hands of armored craftsmen from the end of the Edo era to the Meiji era, mainly using animals as motifs,

It is a metal figurine that reproduces the movement of the living thing, and it is “a figure that moves freely” as it reads.

Many crustaceans and phantom beasts are left, mainly from everything from seaside creatures such as crabs and shrimps to insects, fish, birds, and even fictitious animals such as dragons and horses, all kinds of creatures in Japan are used as motifs.

(Quote: ‘Art Collection Care exhibition’ 2008)





Like Sei Shonagon, the Japanese have a tendency to like small, well-made, yet somehow imperfect things. I first saw Mitsuta’s work over 10 years ago, but I remember his jizai-metalwork winning my heart being small, well-made and moving on top of that. To stimulate the viewer’s desire to possess is the most important thing for an artwork. In that sense, he is a fortunate artist who does not need any explanations, that his works were displayed along well-known works in a certain exhibition of so-and-so museum. It is not often that an adult strongly desires to possess something, especially for me as I prefer not to wait or line up to want something, but when I opened the box with Mitsuta’s crab, which I waited for and bought, my cat jumped on to it straight away. The elaborate nature can trick even animals.


(Mai Miyake)

助成 一般財団法人ニッシャ印刷文化振興財団