1977年京都府生まれ。2003年に「MUZZ PROGRAM SPACE」を共同設立し、2010年まで現代美術の展覧会企画・運営に関わる。現在はドキュメンタリー形式の作品を中心に、パフォーマンスの記録やアーカイブ資料を使用した作品を主に発表する。近年の主な展覧会に「切断してみる。ー二人の耕平」豊田市美術館(2017年)、個展「髙橋耕平 – 街の仮縫い、個と歩み」兵庫県立美術館(2016年)、「PAT in Kyoto 第二回京都版画トリエンナーレ2016」京都市美術館(2016年)、「ほんとの うえの ツクリゴト」旧本多忠次邸(2015年)、個展「史と詩と私と」京都芸術センター(2014年)、「Imitator2」MART,ダブリン(2014年)、「パズルと反芻 “Puzzle and Rumination”」Island MEDIUM、NADiff a/p/a/r/t、JIKKA(2012年)等がある。
1977,Born in Kyoto,
2003,Established Contemporary art space “MUZZ PROGRAM SPACE”.Curated exhibition and management until 2010.
Current works are documentaries, performance records, using and editing archives.
Main exhibition in recent years:「Work on Five Hypotheses to Cut Off…」Toyota Municipal Museum of Art,Aichi-Toyota(2017),solo exhibition「Kohei Takahashi – Transitional Cityscapces,Individual Paths,」Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art,Ryogo-Kobe,(2016),「Pat in kyoto Print Art Triennale in Kyoto 2016」Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art,Kyoto(2016),「play on the facts」Former Tadatsugu-Honda house,Aichi(2015),solo exhibition「Shi to Shi to Shi to」Kyoto Art Center,kyoto(2014),「Puzzle and Rumination」Island MEDIUM,NADiff a/p/a/r/t,JIKKA(2012),and more.
He is an artist with a flexible, critical eye. He calmly analyses the meanings, values, and needs in pictures and images, referring to film history, photography history, art history, music history, journalism, and even philosophy of sport at times, to construct his work. His video that connects street snapshots shot on a smartphone is especially worth watching. The humour and sadness that is extracted by staring at the ordinary, and the sequence that incorporates them will create a new way of criticism towards videos. Since winning the Grand Prix of The New Cosmos of Photography 2015, he has been gaining attention from all over the country.
(Teppei Sako)