鬼頭健吾 / Kengo Kito



1977年愛知県生まれ。2003年京都市立芸術大学大学院美術研究科絵画専攻修了。フラフープやシャンプーボトル、スカーフなど日常にありふれた既製品を使い、そのカラフルさ、鏡やラメの反射、モーターによる動きなど、回転や循環を取り入れた大規模なインスタレーションや、立体や絵画、写真など多様な表現方法を用いた作品を発表している。主な展示に2017年「MULTIPLE STAR 」ハラ ミュージアム アーク現代美術ギャラリーA (群馬)、2016年現代ドローイング国際芸術祭「KENGO KITO STRUCTURES」BARBARA(ポーランド)など。現在、京都造形芸術大学准教授。

Born in 1977, Aichi. Finished his postgraduate studies in oil painting at Kyoto City University of Fine Arts and Music in 2003. He uses ordinary products such as hula hoops, shampoo bottles and scarves to create works with various methods of expression, such as large-scale installations, sculptures, paintings and photography using their colours, reflections of mirrors and glitter, and rotations and movements of motors. Exhibitions include “MULTIPLE STAR” at the Hara Museum ARC of Contemporary Art Gallery A (Gunma) in 2017, and “KENGO KITO STRUCTURES” at the International Festival of Contemporary Drawings, BARBARA (Poland) in 2016. Currently serves as associate professor at Kyoto University of Art and Design.


吉岡が2015 年より制作している絵画「Pepperi peppen」は、彼の目の前を移ろっていく景色、時間などを色に置き換え、その色の組み合わせから新たに発生したイメージを作品化している。 彼の制作過程は少し変わっており、シリコンを用いてキャンバスの型を取り、そこにアクリル絵具を流し込む。型から外した絵具はキャンバス模様がついており、それを切って形作りキャンバスの表面に貼っていくものである。それは一見すると綺麗な色面の絵画にみえる。しかし本来描く支持体としてのキャンバスに、キャンバスが描かれている異様さに驚かされる。














The series of paintings “Pepperi peppen” that Yoshioka has been working on since 2015, depict the images generated from the combination of colours, that are representations of the landscapes and time that pass before his eyes. His method of production is a little interesting; he creates a silicon mould of a canvas, and pours in acrylic paint. The paint removed from the mould has an impression of the canvas, which he cuts and shapes to stick on the surface of the canvas. In a glance, it looks like a painting of beautiful colours. However, it is surprising to see the  bizarreness of a canvas being painted on a canvas, which is supposed to be a supporting medium.


(Hiroaki Yoshioka)


Higashida says, that production is “my method of proving that I am an existence that continues to change.”

Many of her works are created on the theme “traces formed by change”, focusing on time and gravity. There are some that deteriorate during the exhibition, and some that automatically place colours using motors, mostly changing their form during the exhibition.

Recently she has created an installation using cleaning robots in a large space, continuing to search for new methods of expression, and the works created upon her unbound ideas will continue to evolve.


(Miyuki Higashida)


Bonkohara who is based in Kyoto, attempts to create a painting that briskly layers the images of the unstable, collapse, and the complex effects that lie in the transforming space, spreading from one dimension, to two dimensions and so on, using real circuits of the world as motif. The more the same images are layered on top of each other, the greater the gap becomes, and the more obvious they become inside the screen. This is a representation of Bonkohara herself, who tries to live outside of the rationality of the world.


(Aya Bonkohara)



助成 一般財団法人ニッシャ印刷文化振興財団