
Singularity of Art

伝統から革新を生み出してきた京都で「Art Singularity(アートシンギュラリティ)」をコンセプトに掲げ、アーティストが世界のマーケットを見据え、次の次元へと活躍の場を拡大するアートの特異点を目指します。

With "Singularity of Art" as concept in this city Kyoto that has created innovation from tradition, we aspire to create a dynamic shift in art, a singularity, where artists will focus on a global market expanding their stages to the next dimension.



「ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO」はアーティストが企画、運営、出品する、全く新しいスタイルのアートフェアとして、2018年に誕生しました。重要文化財の近代建築や、街中に残る工場跡を舞台に、国内外で活躍する旬なアーティスト、そして彼らが選ぶ注目の新進若手アーティストたちの作品を展示します。美術展とアートフェアの境を取り払った特異な場として、初年から注目を集め、翌年は初年の倍となる作品の販売購入実績がもたらされました。イベントは2日間という限られた期間でありながら、多くの人々が訪れ、会場はアーティストと観客のコミュニケーションが生み出す熱気で満たされます。第3回目となる今年は、サテライトイベント「BLOWBALL」の出展数も増え、より充実したフェアに感じられることでしょう。エキセントリックな空間で「アートを買う」刺激的な現場を、ぜひ体感しに来てください。

Buying art in an eccentric space

ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO started in 2018 as a new style of art fair where artists themselves plan, manage and exhibit work. Domestically and internationally acclaimed artists, and the young emerging artists that they select, will exhibit their works in the modern architecture of Important Cultural Property and factory remains in the city. Noted as an original stage that removes the border between exhibition and art fair in its maiden edition, AFK achieved double the sales in its second year compared to the first. In the event's short period of two days, many visitors gather to create heated chemistry between the artists and visitors inside the venue. In it's third edition this year, there will be more exhibits for the satellite event BLOWBALL creating an even more satisfactory fair. Come to experience the stimulating site of buying art in the eccentric space.



椿昇 ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO 2020ディレクター

Artists will bring their artwork directly to you again this year, in this zero-level fair. This project to nurture a local horizontal marketing system unique to Japan, to supplement vertical global art fairs such as Frieze, has succeeded in finding many new collectors, greatly encouraging our young artists. In Edo-period Kyoto, artists such as Ito Jakuchu who enjoyed various creative styles, and the patrons who raced with each other to encourage their novel ideals, created the greatest cultural platform of the world. Even in the present when it is so difficult to sell, the birth of a sustainable ecological economy can be felt in the narratives of our young artists and their artwork through their empathetic qualities. It's a charming risk-taking that supports the artists! Join in the encounter with exciting art.

Noboru Tsubaki  ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO 2020 Director



相磯桃花 /赤羽史亮 /芦川瑞季 /石黒健一 /石原梓 /伊藤学美 /井上七海 /海野由佳 /江川恵 /エレナ・トゥタッチコワ /大場遼平 /柄澤健介 /木村翔馬 /木村太一 /黒川岳 /黑﨑香織 /KAC /顧剣亨 /高資婷 /三枝由季 /柴田直樹 /白木良 /竹内義博 /武田諭 /東條由佳 /トモトシ /西垣肇也樹 /西原彩香 /野田ジャスミン /ハシグチリンタロウ /花岡伸宏 /HIZGI /広瀬菜々 & 永谷一馬 /廣田碧 /方圓 /フェアフェア(宇野湧・黒木結・MIMIC〔岡本秀・熊野陽平〕) /前田紗希 /前谷開 /南大輔 /三保谷将史 /宮田彩加 /森井沙季 /八百處 /山城優摩 /山本捷平 /吉田桃子 /米村優人 /劉李杰




池田光弘* /薄久保香* /大庭大介* /加茂昂 /塩田千春 /田村尚子 /鶴田憲次* /人長果月* /松川朋奈 /Mon Koutaro Ooyama /矢津吉隆 /Yotta /椿昇

[The Young Artists]

Ayaka Nishihara /Azusa Ishihara /Daisuke Minami /Elena Tutatchikova /Fairfair /Fang Yuan /Fumiaki Akahane /Gaku Kurokawa /Hayaki Nishigaki /HIZGI /Jasmine Noda /KAC /Kai Maetani /Kao Tzu-ting /Kaori Kurosaki /Kenichi Ishiguro /Kenryou Gu /Kensuke Karasawa /Lintalow Hashiguchi /Liu Lijie /Manami Ito /Masashi Mihotani /Megumi Egawa /Midori Hirota /Mizuki Ashikawa /Momoka Aiso /Momoko Yoshida /Nana Hirose & Kazuma Nagatani /Nanami Inoue /Naoki Shibata /Nobuhiro Hanaoka /Ryo Shiraki /Ryohei Oba /Saki Maeda /Saki Morii /Satoshi Takeda /Sayaka Miyata /Shohei Yamamoto /Shoma Kimura /Taichi Kimura /tomotosi /YA-O DEPOT /Yoshiharu Takeuchi /Yuka Tojo /Yuka Umino /Yuki Saegusa /Yuma Yamashiro /Yuto Yonemura

[Invited Artist]

Alex Mouton

[Exhibitors from The Advisory Board and Director]

Akira Kamo /Chiharu Shiota /Daisuke Ohba* /Kaoru Usukubo* /Kazuki Hitoosa* /Kenji Tsuruta* /Mitsuhiro Ikeda* /Mon Koutaro Ooyama /Naoko Tamura /Tomona Matsukawa /Yoshitaka Yazu /Yotta /Noboru Tsubaki


アーティストが企画、運営、出品する全く新しいスタイルのアートフェア「ARTISTS’FAIR KYOTO」は、アーティスト自らが市場開拓を試みることで、新たな価値観を創造する目的でスタートしました。

“ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO” is a completely new style of art fair that is planned, organized and showcased by the artists, which nurtures a new value by initiating the artists themselves in the market development process.
By creating a stage for presenting work upon the artist and audience’s relationship, and the natural culture of purchasing art, we aspire to construct in Kyoto a platform where our next generation of artists can creatively engage in cultural activities.

京都府、ARTISTS’FAIR KYOTO実行委員会、文化庁、独立行政法人日本芸術文化振興会
Kyoto Prefecture, ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO Organizing Committee, Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan, Japan Arts Counci
Kyoto Shimbun
Kyoto chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kyoto Association of Corporate Executives


一般財団法人 川村文化芸術振興財団

一般財団法人 ニッシャ印刷文化振興財団