日本のみならず、美の様式の変遷には常に既存の価値観に反発する力が働き、新しい文化 を導いてきました。京都において連綿と続く千年の都の文化は、新たな発見や創造を寛容 に受入れ、伝統とモダンが同時に存在する文化を今に繋いでいます。国際的に活躍する革 新的なアーティストが京都から輩出され続けていることは、この気風がアーティスト達に も脈々と受け継がれているからではないでしょうか。
2018年2月に初めて開催された「ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO」は、重要文化財の京都を代表す る明治建築を舞台に、国内外で活躍する旬なアーティスト、そして彼らが選ぶ注目の若手 アーティストたちの作品が、想像を超える展示空間で一堂に介するものとなりました。エ キセントリックな空間にちりばめられた作品に囲まれて、アートを買う刺激的な体験は大 きな反響を集め、美術展との境を取り払ったアートフェアという、新たな歴史の始まりを 体感した多くの観客たちの熱気がいつまでも冷めやらぬままに閉幕となりました。
京都府、ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO実行委員会が開催する、この全く新しいスタイルのアート フェア「ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO」は、アーティスト自らが市場開拓を試みることで、アー トに新たな価値を創造します。観客とアーティストの交流が生む作品発表の場をつくり出 し、「アートを買う文化」が当たり前となることで、次世代のアーティストがサスティナブルに、創造性豊かに、文化創造を行える場の創設を試みます。

Forces that work in resistance to existing values have always appeared during transitions in art form, which when overcome lead to a new culture, and this is not only the case in Japan. The culture of the thousand-year capital that is inherited in Kyoto has embraced new ideas and creations, helping to realise a culture with both tradition and modernism in the present. This spirit has been ceaselessly inherited by the artists, the very reason as to why so many innovative international artists continue to emerge from Kyoto.
In February 2018, "ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO" in its maiden edition presented the artwork of domestically and internationally appraised artists and those of up-and- coming artists who were chosen under their selection, in a fascinating exhibition in the Meiji-era architecture, an Important Cultural Property that represents Kyoto. The thrilling experience of purchasing art, surrounded by artwork scattered in the eccentric atmosphere called much recognition, finally coming to an end whilst visitors were still in the midst of excitement after experiencing the beginning to a new history - an art fair that has removed its exhibition-like boundaries.
"ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO" is a new style of art fair organised by the Kyoto Prefecture and the ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO Organising Committee, which nurtures a new value in artists by initiating the artists themselves in market development. By creating a stage for presenting work upon the artist and audience's relationship, and a natural culture of purchasing art, we aspire to construct a platform where our next generation of artists can continue to engage in cultural activities, sustainably and creatively.

日時 2019年3月2日(土)、3日(日)10時~18時
会場 京都府京都文化博物館 別館(京都市中京区三条高倉 TEL075-222-0888)
京都新聞ビル 印刷工場跡(京都市中京区烏丸通夷川上ル少将井町239)
入場料 1,000円(学生無料 要・学生証)※京都新聞ビル印刷工場跡は無料

Sponsor Kyoto Prefecture, ARITSTS' FAIR KYOTO Organising Committee
Dates 2nd (Sat) and 3rd (Sun) March 2019, 10am - 6pm
Venue The Museum of Kyoto Annex (Sanjo-Takakura, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto TEL: +81-(0)75-222-08888)
Kyoto Shimbun former printing plant (239 Shoshoicho, Ebisugawa-agaru, Karasuma-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto)
Entrance Fee 1000yen (Free for students upon presentation of student ID) *Entrance to the Kyoto Shimbun former printing plant is free


ディレクター メッセージ

アーティスト自ら作品をエンドユーザーにお届けするという趣旨で始まったARTIST'S FAIR KYOTO(以後AFK)は、若い作家たちや未来を応援する熱い情熱を持った方々、また文化庁のご支援やUBSを始めとする多くの企業のご協賛に支えられ、京都府の事業として産声を挙げました。まずは前回ご来場、ご支援いただいた皆様、そしてこの試みに賛同いただいた多くのアーティストと、その推薦を受けて秀作を出品いただいた若手作家の皆さんに心より感謝の言葉を申し上げます。


このステートメントは広州美術学院の招聘講座の最中に書いておりますが、中国も美術市場が一時のブームを過ぎて収縮し、卒業後、作家になる厳しさに直面しているとの事です。その中で、当地の美術関係者からもAFKに大きな関心が寄せられています。アジアの注目も集まるARTIST'S FAIR KYOTO 2019開催に向け、皆々様には日本の未来を担う期待の作家たちを応援いただきますよう心よりお願い申し上げます。

The ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO (AFK) began with the purpose of delivering artwork to its end user by the artists themselves, newly born as a project of Kyoto Prefecture under the support of young artists, those with a strong passion in supporting the future, the Agency for Cultural Affairs, and many organisations including UBS. I would first like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who visited and offered support, the many artists who showed approval to this undertaking, and the young artists whom under their commendation exhibited such exceptional artwork.

This year we will also be using the printing plant, brimming with industrial beauty inside the Kyoto Shimbun main office as a venue for limitless artwork. Here, a competitive collaboration of video installations by guest artists from India and Japan will be held, creating an intense experience that cannot be found in museums as another way to enjoy the AFK. I also anticipate that the new division for public applications created upon the voices of the young artists, a system for discovering rookies, will bring diversity.

I am currently giving lectures as a guest at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts while writing this statement; China is also facing a struggle with the temporary enthusiasm of the art market thinning down and finding difficulties in continuing as an artist after graduation. Art stakeholders of this country are showing a great interest towards the AFK in such a situation. With the attention gathering from Asia, I ask for everyone's kindness in supporting the artists who are carrying the future of Japan on their backs, at the ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO 2019


Noboru Tsubaki, Director of ARTISTS’ FAIR KYOTO



油野愛子 /城愛音 /西條茜 /柳瀬安里 /石原梓 /西村大樹 /澤田華 /谷垣華 /西垣肇也樹 /中村ヒカル /高野浩揮 /新宅加奈子 /檜皮一彦 /神馬啓佑 /石黒健一 /顧剣亨 /前田耕平 /長尾鴻平 /厚地琴美 /飯田美穂 /家田実香 /香月美菜 /小林椋 /広瀬菜々&永谷一馬 /黒宮菜菜 /和田直祐 /宮原野乃実 /品川亮 /淺井真至 /今西真也 /加藤笑平 /山内祥太 /堀川すなお /西太志 /酒井貴史 /小宮太郎 /片山達貴 /高木智子 /阿児つばさ /岡村よるこ /表良樹 /本山ゆかり

[Young Artists]

Aiko Yuno /Aine Jo /Akane Saijo /Anri Yanase /Azusa Ishihara /Daiki Nishimura /Hana Sawada /Hana Tanigaki /Hayaki Nishigaki /Hikaru Nakamura /Hiroki Takano /Kanako Shintaku /Kazuhiko Hiwa /Keisuke Jimba /Kenichi Ishiguro /Kenryou Gu /Kohei Maeda /Kohei Nagao /Kotomi Atsuchi /Miho Iida /Mika Ieda /Mina Katsuki /Muku Kobayashi /Nana Hirose&Kazuma Nagatani /Nana Kuromiya /Naosuke Wada /Nonomi Miyahara /Ryo Shinagawa /Shinji Asai /Shinya Imanishi /Showhey Kato /Shota Yamauchi /Sunao Horikawa /Taishi Nishi /Takafumi Sakai /Taro Komiya /Tatsuki Katayama /Tomoko Takagi /Tsubasa Ako /Yoruko Okamura /Yoshiki Omote /Yukari Motoyama


[Invited Artists] Sahej Rahal/Yuriko Sasaoka

Special Event [The Possibility of Dialogue]2019.03.03(sun)16:00-17:00

©Sahej Rahal

日 程 3月3日(日) 16:00-17:00
会 場 京都文化博物館別館2階(予定)
内容 ディレクター椿昇とインドからの招待作家サヘジ・ラハルによる粘土模型の即興制作バトル。
参加方法 開始時刻にご来場下さい。
Date and time March 3rd (Sun) 16:00-17:00
Location Museum of Kyoto Annex 2F (provisional)
Details An improvised clay sculpture-making battle between Director Noboru Tsubaki and invited artist from India, Sahej Rahal.
We will be auctioning off the finished clay sculptures as a set on the day, with a starting price of 500 yen!
How to take part Arrive at the venue at the start time. The winner of the auction must pay in cash on the spot and then will be able to take the sculptures home.
We cannot provide a certificate for the art pieces.